送信者: Arie Alders - Mak Breeding BV
日時 : 2007年8月17日 20:53
宛先 : info@yamaki-noen.co.jp ;
    'Kees Landvreugd' ;
     evert@onings.com ;
     Remco Marel van de ;
件名 : visit Japan june 2007

T.a.v. Mr. T. Moriyama
Mr. K. Landvreugd
Mr. E. van Zanten
Mr. R. van der Marel
Mr. H. Damen

Dear sirs,

Please find enclosed the pictures we made in June during the visit together to Tsunan with Yamaki Tours.
If you want to receive them in higher resolution please feel free to ask.

Meanwhile, with our best regards,

Arie Alders
Mak Breeding BV
Tel: (31) (0)6-53302084
Fax: (31) (0)227-555383